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 Major Groups | Acarina / Acari (mites) | Halacaroidea (mites)


Major Group: Acarina
Minor Group: Halacaroidea

Descriptive Features:

  • pedipalps obvious
  • mouthparts with long, curved rostrum and chelicerae below pedipalps
  • body rounded
  • body with long dorsal setae present, often set on plates
  • legs with long setae
  • legs radially directed
  • Peza daps has no eyes.
  • Size:  up to 0.9 mm
  • body rounded
  • pedipalps obvious
  • legs with long setae
  • legs 1 and 2 anteriorly directed
  • legs 3 and 4 posteriorly directed
  • Size: very small, length 399 µm, width 222 µm
  • Peza ops 




    Taxonomic Checklist:
        Astacopsiphagus parasiticus Viets, 1931
        Lobohalacarus bunurong Harvey, 1988
        Peza ops Harvey
        Peza daps Harvey

    Astacopsiphagus parasiticus
    - unknown
    Lobohalacarus bunurong - Thomson River, Vic
    Peza ops - SE Aus
    Peza daps - Otway Ranges, Vic

    Sensitivity Rating: none

    Functional Feeding Group: predators (parasites), predators, shredders? 


    Broken River, Benalla Vic

    Ecology: Instream habitat: Peza ops are benthic, living in large slow moving rivers or pools formed by temporary streams. Lobohalacarus bunurong occurs in the interstitial zone. Marine species of Halacaroidea are found in shallow waters on sand and algal substrata, as well as amongst vegetation, so it is possible that freshwater species also frequent similar habitats.
    Feeding ecology: Peza daps has been found within the gill chamber of freshwater crayfish (Engaeus fultoni) and is presumed to be parasitic. Other species may be predators or algal feeders.
    Life history: Females of Pezidae attach eggs to their hind legs, but this has only been found on winter and spring-collected females.


    Information Sources: Krantz & Walter 2009, Harvey & Growns 1998, Harvey 1988b, Harvey 1990, Hawking & Smith 1997, Krantz 1978
    Key to Families: Harvey 1990 or Harvey 1998
    Key to Genera: None
    Key to Species:
    Harvey 1990 (Pezidae: Peza)