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Sources for definitions: Gordh & Headric 2001, Martin & Davis 2004, Lawrence 2000, Thorp& Covitch 1991, Merriam-Webster 2005, Blass 2007 and the various identification key references


keel an elevated ridge
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 labium in Insecta, lower lip which is positioned opposite the labrum
in Crustacea, a swollen structure lying next to the epistome and bordering the anterior margin of the oral opening
labrum upper lip which covers the base of the mandible and forms the roof of the mouth
lacinia in Insecta, the blade or toothed edge of the maxilla
in Crustacea, inner distal spiny lobe of second segment of maxillule
lacinia mobilis in Insecta, a small plate-like appendage near the extremity of the mandible
in Crustacea, an enlarged, nearly articulated spine of the mandible's spine row that is adjacent to the incisor process, only on left mandible
lagoon a quiet coastal backwater separated from the ocean by a physical, usually land, barrier
lake a large body of standing water that ocuppies a depression in the earth's surface and is completely surrounded by land
lamella(e) any plate- or leaf-like process;
in Ephemeroptera, one of two paired processes (upper and lower) forming the abdominal gill (plural)
lamellate sheet- or plate-like; referring to a structure composed of, or covered with, thin sheets
laminate a composite structure formed of thin flat layers of variable thickness, texture, composition
lanceolate spear-shaped; rectangular but tapering at ends
larva(e) early or immature developmental stage of an organism (plural)
larval adjective of larva
lateral(ly) descriptive of a structure or action to the side (adverb)
laterodorsal(ly) descriptive of a structure or action to the side and back (adverb)
laterotergite a lateral sclerotization of the dorsum distinct from a principal median tergum
lentic referring to standing water, such as lakes, ponds and swamps
life cycle the successive stages of reproduction, growth and development of an organism between the appearance and reappearance of the same stage
ligula a small strap or tongue; the median sclerite of the labium which inserts into the distal margin of the prementum
ligular referring to the ligula
limnetic living in marshes, lakes or open water
littoral area of a waterbody associated with the bank or land's edge
lobe any prominent, rounded process along a margin or surface; a lateral expansion of an abdominal segment
lotic referring to flowing waters
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macro- large
macroinvertebrate an invertebrate that is visible to the naked eye (>1.0 mm)
macrophyte large aquatic plant
macropterous long winged form; forewings reach or surpass the tip of abdomen, when folded over the back
mala a lobe, ridge or grinding surface of the maxilla or mandible
mandible in Insecta, first pair of oral appendages;
in Crustacea, first of three pairs of cephalic appendages
in Isopoda, third cephalic appendage and first mouthpart appendage
mandibular descriptive of a structure associated with the mandible
mantle in Gastropoda,
marine descriptive of salt-water (sea) habitats
marsupia plural of marsupium
marsupium a pouch formed from anal sclerites, in which females carry eggs and young
maxilla(e) paired, lateral accessory mouthparts located immediately behind the mandibles (plural)
maxillary palp palp located on outer surface of second segment of maxilla, typically sensory in function
maxilliped the three pairs of appendages following the second maxillae
maxillule one of a pair of the fourth cephalic appendages, used as a mouthpart
mechano-reception the response to mechanical stimuli, such as vibrations of wind or water
medial descriptive of something toward the middle of a structure or midline of the body
median referring to the middle
medusa a free-swimming, sexually reproducing jelly-fish life cycle stage
membrane any thin, transparent, flexible tissue
membranous referring to tissue which is thin and semi-transparent
merus fourth segment of thoracic appendage
mesal descriptive of a structure that is positioned in the median plane of the body
meso- middle
mesonotum dorsal surface of the mesothorax
mesopleural descriptive of a structure associated with the lateral part of the mesothorax
mesoscutellum scutellum of the mesothorax
mesosternum ventral surface of the mesothorax, positioned between the mesopleura
mesotarsus tarsus of the middle leg
mesothorax middle thoracic segment
mesotrochantin trochantin of the midleg
meta- last; used to designate any posterior part of structure
metafemur femur of the hindleg
metamorphose to change shape, form or substance during the development process
metamorphosis a series of developmental changes that convert a larval form to an adult
metanotal adjective of metanotum
metanotum the dorsal surface of the metathorax
metapleuron lateral area of the metathorax
metasternum the ventral surface of the metathorax
metathoracic descriptive of any structure associated with the metathorax
metathorax the third segment of the thorax
metazoan a multi celled organism
micro- small
microflora organisms (not animals) less than 200 µm long, only visible under the microscope, usually referring to bacteria, diatoms and small algae
microhabitat the immediate environment of an organism, distinguished by its own set of environmental conditions
microinvertbrate an invertebrate which is very small, indistinct without the use of a microscope (<0.5 mm)
microtrichia small sclerotized or unsclerotized, hair-like structures on body or wings
mid- middle
midleg middle leg of an animal with 3 pairs of legs
midventral referring to the middle of the underside or lower surface
migratory referring to organisms that move from one place to another
mola(r) the ridged or roughened grinding surface of the mandibles; when the mandible is compund, the molar corresponds to the subgalea of maxilla
monofilamentous bearing a single filament
monogamy male stays with one female protecting her from other males
morphological(ly) physical form or structure of an organism (referring to)
motile ability to move
moult to cast or shed the outer skin or integument
mound spring a spring that wells up in a natural elevation in the earth's surface
mucilaginous sticky; gum-like
mucus a shiny, slippery, glandular secretion
multi cellular consisting of two or more cells
multifid cut into many segments
multispinose descriptive of a structure with many spines
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nacre inner surface of mollusc shells
nauplii plural of nauplius
naupliiar adjective of nauplius
nauplius the earliest larval stage, having only antennules, antennae and mandibles
nematocyst contents of the stinging cells, ejected upon stimulation
neonate newborn caducean
neutrally buoyant the state being still and upright in the water, below the surface, without swimming
niche the total range of climatic conditions, edaphic factors and food necessary for a population to exist and reproduce
noctidiurnal being active at night and in daytime
nocturnal descriptive of organisms that are active at night
nomadic descriptive of an organism that moves from area to area
nota the dorsal surfaces of the body segments, in particular thoracic segments
notopleura a depression, more or less triangular, situated immediately before the transverse suture and behind the humeri
notum the dorsal or upper surface of a body segment, particularly of the thorax
noxious harmful, very unpleasant
nucleus the centre of any structure, around which it grows
nymph(al) juvenile, sexually immature stage, usually similar to the adult form (adjective)
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obligate drifter an organism that can only move within a stream by drifting with the flow of water
obligate parasite an organism that can only live as a parasite
obtuse not pointed; descriptive of a surface with a blunt or rounded end
occipital genae sclerotized areas located at the ventral posterior area of the head
occipital margin the posterior margin of the head
ocelli simple light receptors
ocular descriptive of or referring to the eyes
offspring the result of reproduction
oligotrophic referring to aquatic habitats, one with insufficient nutrition
ommatidium one of the numberous small cone-shaped eyes which make up the compound eye of some Arthropoda
omnivore an animal that feeds on plants, animals and detritus
omnivorous eating a variety of organisms and plants
operculate referring to a lid-like cover
operculum a lid or covering flap

opportunistic predator

an animal not typically predatory but that will eat another animal if it is the immediately available food source

opsiblastic eggs having a dormant period before hatching
oral descriptive of any structure associated with the mouth
orbit an imaginary border around the eye; narrow part of the vertex adjacent to the margin of a compound eye
ordinal descriptive of taxonomic status relating to an Order
organism a self contained, organic entity capable of sustaining life processes
orifice any opening for a tube, sac or duct
oscula small mouths;
in Porifera, excurrent apertures of a sponge
ostia any apertures, entrances or mouth-like openings;
in Porifera, openings of the surface through which water enters the body;
in Lepidoptera, external genitalia openings of the female for reception of sperm
ovate descriptive of stucture that is egg-shaped
ovipositor egg laying tube of females, an extension of the oviduct
ovisac a receptacle for eggs
ovoid egg-like in shape or appearance
ovum female gamete
oxygenated water that is enriched with dissolved oxygen
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