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 Major Groups | Hirudinea (leeches) | Rhynchobdellida (leeches)


Major Group: Hirudinea
Order: Rhynchobdellida

Descriptive Features:

  • body appearing somewhat ovate, tapering anteriorly
  • body characteristically depressed, convex above
  • dorsum may be roughened by obvious papillae, or smooth
  • head narrowly rounded with a shallow open ventral sucker
  • eyes, if present, near dorsal centreline
  • small circular pore-like mouth in the centre or near the anterior of the anterior sucker through which pharynx can be everted as a proboscis
  • midbody somites typically 3-annulate (may be reduced in some genera)
  • Total length: 7.0 – 39.0 mm
  • Taxonomic Checklist:



    Distribution: all states

    Sensitivity Rating: SIGNAL grade 1 (Glossiphoniidae), none (Ozobranchidae)

    Functional Feeding Group: predators

    Ecology: Instream habitat: Rhynchobdellida species occur in freshwater habitats and marine waters. Freshwaters include streams, rivers, lakes and ponds. They are found on the underside of stones and amongst vegetation or attached to aquatic vertebrates.
    Feeding ecology: There are both sanguivorous and predacious species. Sanguivorous species feed on amphibians, reptiles, birds and fish. They use a protrusible proboscis to penetrate the host's outer surface. Predacious species attack a wide range of prey including oligochaetes, insect larvae and molluscs.
    Life history: Rhynchobdellida species display parental care involving brooding and direct feeding of the young.
    Information Sources: Govedich 2001, Richardson 1968
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