Major Group: Insecta Order: Plecoptera Family: Notonemouridae |
Descriptive Features: abdomen slim
abdominal segments 2–9 clearly divided into tergum and sternum
no gills visible
2 long, segmented caudal filaments
Notonemoura and Kimminsoperla species with very large hind femora
Total length: 5 - 12 mm |
Austrocerca tasmanica |
Taxonomic Checklist: Genera Austrocerca (2 species) Austrocercella (15 species) Austroceroides (5 species) Kimminsoperla (7 species) Notonemoura (2 species) Tasmanocera bifasciata Kimmins |
Distribution: SE SA, Tas, Vic, NSW, E Qld
Sensitivity Rating: SIGNAL grade 6
Functional Feeding Group: scrapers, shredders, predators |
Derwent River, Tas |
Ecology: Instream habitat: Notonemourid nymphs typically occur in cool, high altitude, lakes and rivers. Nymphs of Kimminsoperla and Notonemoura, however tend to live in seepages and springs on submerged rocks. Feeding ecology: Notonemourid nymphs are generally herbivores and detritivores; however Austrocerca tasmanica has been known to attack and eat other insects in laboratory tanks. Habit: Nymphs have enlarged hind femora and are able to climb on vertical surfaces, even against the water flow. Life history: Typically females lay ovoid eggs with a sticky coating in crevices of logs and rocks. Austrocerca tasmanica is the only species which produces eggs that hatch inside the adult. Notonemouridae species generally have an annual life cycle. |
Information Sources: Hynes 1989, Williams 1980, Michaelis & Yule 1997, Yule 1997 Key to Genera: Yule 1997 (NSW, NVic), Hynes 1989 (Tas, incomplete), Hynes 1978 (Vic, incomplete) Key to Species: Yule 1997 (NSW, NVic), Hynes 1989 (Tas, incomplete), Hynes 1978 (Vic, incomplete) |