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 Major Groups | Insecta (insects) | Diptera (true flies) | Athericidae


Major Group: Insecta
Order: Diptera 
Family: Athericidae
Subfamily: none

Descriptive Features:

  • head capsule incomplete (hemicephalic), often retracted into thorax, some sclerotization visible and extruded from thorax
  • mandibles usually with hooked apical tooth, lacking inner teeth
  • palps and antenna distinguishable
  • body slightly dorsoventrally flattened
  • metathoracic rods narrow throughout
  • abdomen 8-segmented
  • paired prolegs present on abdominal segments 1 - 7, prolegs "crochet-tipped" 
  • single proleg on segment 8
  • lateral and dorsolateral tubercles on abdominal segments
  • posterior spiracles quite widely separated, not concealed on anal/pre-anal segment
  • anal segment frequently lobed
  • size: up to 10mm


    Taxonomic Checklist: Species
    Dasyomma abdominale Hardy
    Dasyomma dissimile Hardy
    Dasyomma flavum Hardy
    Dasyomma hardyi Paramonov
    Dasyomma hydrophilum Paramonov
    Dasyomma infernale Paramonov
    Dasyomma maculipenne Hardy
    Dasyomma mcalpinei Paramonov
    Dasyomma norrisi Paramonov
    Dasyomma tasmanicum Paramonov
    Dasyomma tonnoiri Paramonov
    Suraginella macalpinei Stuckenberg

    Distribution: Australia wide except SA, WA?

    Sensitivity Rating: SIGNAL grade 8

    Functional Feeding Group: predators


    Snowy Creek near Mitta Mitta, Vic

    Ecology: Instream habitat: Athericid larvae are found in the beds of fast flowing streams and rivers. In northern Australia, each individual species has been recorded as occupying a particular section of the river profile.
    Feeding ecology: Larvae are predators, feeding on a range of smaller invertebrates. Some adults are thought to feed on animal blood but not human blood.
    Life history: In the Northern hemisphere, final instar larvae leave the water to pupate. Females are thought to lay their eggs on overhanging riparian vegetation so that newly hatched larvae can drop straight into the water.


    Information Sources: Hawking & Smith 1997, Colless & McAlpline 1991, Elliot 2005, Williams 1980, Stuckenberg 2000
    Key to Genera: none
    Key to Species: none