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Sources for definitions: Gordh & Headric 2001, Martin & Davis 2004, Lawrence 2000, Thorp& Covitch 1991, Merriam-Webster 2005, Blass 2007 and the various identification key references


 pala expanded anterior tarsal segment
palar pegs row of projections on the pala , used to maintain secure contact between male and female during copulation
palm(ar) proximal part of propodus of chela (descriptive of)
palp(al) a paired, finger-like (digiform) appendage of the maxilla and labium (descriptive of)
palpi plural of palpus, an alternative to palp
palpus a paired, finger-like appendage of the maxilla and labium
papilla(e) any small, soft projection; any conical cuticular projection (plural)
para- beside
paraglossa(e) a paired, labial structure positioned at either side of the ligula (plural)
paramere one of the paired lobes exterior to the penis


a pair of lobes laterally bordering the anus


referring to organisms that live in or on another organism in such a way as to derive nourishment from the tissues of the host


to be deriving nourishment from tissues of a host animal


reproduction without fertilization, in which the zygote develops without the ovum being fertilized by a male gamete  

parthenogenetical(ly) referring to organisms developed by parthenogenesis (adverb)
patelliform disc-shaped with a narrow rim
peat dark brown organic deposit consisting of partly decomposed plant material usually associated with bogs and wetlands
pedicel a stalk or stem supporting an organ or other structure
in Insecta; the second antennal segment
pedipalp(i) in spiders and other aracnids, a small paired leg-like appendage, immediately anterior to the walking legs (plural)
peduncle any stalk-like structure supporting an organ or other structure
in Hemiptera, basal segment of the antennae
pedunculate structure positioned on, or attached by a slender stalk or peduncle
penellipse the figure formed when a part less than the half of a uniserial circle of crochets is absent from the proleg


open, slit-like structures of the seminal vesicles to the outer surface

penultimate descriptive of structure adjacent to the terminal segment of a body or appendage; the segment second from the end
pereonite a segment of the pereon
pereon thoracic division of the body


thoracic appendage used for movement, feeding and defense

periostracum the external layer of most mollusc and brachiopod shells
peripneustic having spiracles arranged all along sides of body, the usual condition in most insect larvae
peristalsis series of successive waves of contraction
peristaltic referring to peristalsis
petiolate stalked, placed on a stalk
pharyngea a pharyngeal sclerite
pharyngeal pouches infoldings of endoderm between branchial arches in pharyngeal region of vertebrate embryos
photosynthesis the use of light energy to produce nutrition for living organisms
phytoplankton microscopic plant life found floating and drifting in large numbers in bodies of freshwater
piercer a predator that captures and feeds by spiking the prey with modified mouthparts
pigment(ed) a substance that gives a colour appearance (more heavily coloured)
pilosity a covering of long, stout setae typically above small, fine, closely set setae
pimera plural of pimeron
planispiral coiled in one plane
plankton(ic) microscopic plant or animal life found floating and drifting in large numbers in bodies of freshwater (referring to)
plastron a film of air that is maintained in place along the body of an aquatic animal, for the purposes of underwater respiration, by a series of water repellant setae or cuticular modifications
pleon an abdominal body division
pleonite a segment of the pleotelson; a somite of the pleon
pleopod abdominal appendage or swimming leg of crustaceans
pleotelson(ic) body segment formed by the fusion of terminal abdominal segment(s) to the telson
pleura plural of pleuron
pleurobranch gill arising from lateral walls of thorax
pleuron the lateral portion of the body between the dorsal tergum and the ventral sternum; lateral sclerite between dorsal and ventral portions of the thorax
plumose feather-like; referring to antennae with long, ciliated processes on each side of each segment; referring to setae that have many branches
polygamy males mate with many females
polygyny males display for females, the best male gets to mate
polyp an individual feeding or reproducing organism with tubular body and cytoplasm in Amoebae or amoeboid cells
pond a body of standing water smaller than a lake
pool a body of non-flowing water
porrect extending forward horizontally
post- situated behind; hindmost part of an organism
posterior referring to, or situated toward the rear or anal end
posterolateral(ly) descriptive of a structure toward the rear and side (adverb)
postmental descriptive of a structure associated with the postmentum
postmentum basal part of the labium
postmoult stage the stage of the lifecycle directly after moulting when the soft exoskeleton stretches "to fit " the animal, before hardening
postocular situated behind the eye
pre- before, in space, time or degree
pre-apical(ly) descriptive of a structure positioned before the apex of another structure
predaceous referring to an animal that typically sustains life by preying upon (eating) other organisms
predate to kill another animal for food
predation a type of behaviour where one animal eats another
predator an animal that overpowers, kills and consumes other animals
prehensile descriptive of a structure adapted for grasping, holding or seizing
premental descriptive of a structure associated with the prementum
prementum the stipital region of the labium, containing the muscles of the palpi and the ligular lobes, and giving insertion to the cranial muscles of the labium
premoult stage stage before moulting
pro- first
proboscis in Insecta, any extended or extendable mouth structure
in Nemertea, muscular trunk-like appendage of the head end
process any projection from a surface, margin or appendage
processes may be used to refer collectively to gills, filaments and projections i.e. terminal processes or caudal processes
proctiger small papilla or conical structure that bears the anus
profemur femur of the foreleg (first leg)
prognathous with mouthparts projecting forwards; in lateral aspect the primary axis of the head is horizontal
projection something jutting out at an angle from a flat surface
proleg unjointed abdominal or thoracic appendage
prolonged extended or lengthened beyond ordinary limits
pronotal referring to a structure on the pronotum
pronotum the upper or dorsal surface of the first thoracic segment
propleuron lateral portion of prothorax
propodal referring to the propodus
propodi plural of propodus
propodus second segment of a pereopod or maxilliped, counted from the distal end
prosternum ventral area between the forelegs
protandric having male sex organs while young and then femal sex organs later in life
prothorax the first thoracic segment, bearing forelegs but not wings or wing pads
protopod synonomous with protopodite
protopodite the basal piece of a segmented appendage
protrusible descriptive of something capable of being protruded, or put out
protuberance any elevation above the surface of which it is apart, typically a rounded extension from a flat surface
protuberant descriptive of a conical or mound-like rising above the surface or general level
proximad toward the proximal end of a stucture or an appendage
proximal the portion of a segment nearest the body or connection with the body

a conical extension of the epithelium used in respiration;
in Mollusca, a "false gill"

pseudopod(ia) soft, flexible foot-like appendage (plural)
pubescence state of being pubescent
pubescent covered with soft, short, fine, closely set setae
punctured with small impressions on the hard outer surfaces
pupa(e) a phase of complete metamorphosis, when larval features are destroyed and adult features are constructed
pupal referring to the pupa
pupate to become a pupa
pupation the act of becoming a pupa
pyriform pear-shaped
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 radula a chitinous membrane in the mouth of gastropods, set with numerous minute horny teeth
rami plural of ramus
ramus branch-like division of any structure or appendage
raptorial descriptive of legs adapted for seizing prey, typically with modified tibiae and tarsi
reflexed bent up or back
retreat a shelter made by spinning a silk net across a gap or depression in a log or rock
retractile descriptive of any structure that is capable of being advanced forward and retracted backward
rhynchocoel cylindrical cavity in body that houses the proboscis when it is not extended
riffle shallow section of a river or stream, typically the surface is rippled by current passing over stones and irregularities in the substrata
riparian descriptive of organisms inhabiting river banks, typically vegetation
river a naturally occurring freshwater drainage which is larger than a stream
riverine pool a pool located in the river channel but out of the main flow
rostral prong a structure rising from the side of the rostrum
rostrum a jointed snout-like projection from ventral surface of the head formed by a labial sheath enclosing the maxillary and mandibular stylets


referring to a surfaces covered with wrinkles

rugosite a structure that is strongly rugose
runnel a small channel of water
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saccoid sac-like
saline salty, of water
sanguivorous referring to invertebrates that are blood eating
saprophagous descriptive of organisms that feed upon dead and decaying animal or plant matter
saprophytic an organism that feeds upon dead organisms or decaying organic matter
scape basal segment of the antennae
scavenger an animal that feeds on dead and decaying animal or vegetable matter
scent evaporatorium opening in the abdominal terga, related to scent production
sclerite any hard portion of the integument
sclerotin tough proteins that are resistant to chemical and physical degradation
sclerotized the integument is hardened and darkened in definite areas by deposition of, or formation, of sclerotin
sclerotization the physiochemical process by which sclerites are formed
scraper consumers of algae and associated material attached to the surface of submerged plants or rocks
scutellum triangular part of the mesothorax, generally placed between, sometimes overlapping, the bases of the hemelytra
secretion a fluid or substance passed through a duct, membrane or aperture
seepage the slow oozing of groundwater out on to the earth's surface
segment a natural subdivision of the body or appendage
segmented having segments
self fertilization the fusion of male and female gametes from the same parent individual
semi-aquatic growing or living close to water, sometimes found in, or entering water
seminal vesicle pouch-like portion of the male reproductive system where spermatozoa are stored
sensillum a simple sense organ or sensory receptor
sensory pit a deep pit or puncture through the surface of the integument, which may bear pegs, bristles or setae, open or covered by a membrane
serrate saw-like; descriptive of a structure with conical or tooth-like processes along an apical margin
sessile any structure or appendage that broadly attaches at the base without constriction; an organism lives attached to the substratum
seta(e) bristle-hair-like cuticular projection (plural)
setal referring to, or descriptive, of the setae
setation the state of having setae
setobranch(ia) a tuft of setae attached to gills (plural)
setose a surface, structure or appendage covered with setae
setule small, short seta, hair or bristle
shredder consumes coarse particulate organic matter, eg. wood, bark, leaves
silt unconsolidated sediment of fine mud (<0.16 mm diameter)
sinistral pertaining to or positioned on the left side of the body
sinuated descriptive of structures which are long and narrow with a winding or wavy form
siphon any tubular external process or structure
skater glides or skates over water surface
snag a tree or part of a tree held fast in the bottom of a river forming an obstruction or diversion of the water flow
somite in Insecta, body segment of an adult
in Crustacea, segement of the body, can be differentiated into dorsal tergite and ventral sternite
species the primary biological unit
spermatophore a capsule that surrounds spermatozoa
spermatozoa male gamete
spicule any minute, pointed process or spine
spine stiff, sharp, tapered process on the surface of a plant or animal
spinneret a hollow spine, connecting to silk glands, by which cases, retreats or cocoons are spun
spinose descriptive of a structure or body covered with spines
spinulate set with little spines or spinules
spinule a very small spine
spiracle a pore, hole or aperture in the integument which allows gas exchange for respiration
spiracular descriptive of or referring to the spiracles
spire the whorled part of a spiral shell
splash zone zone of a waterfall aside from the main flow of water but which may be wetted by spray
sprawler stretched out, usually on substrate
statoblast a specialized asexual bud enclosed in a chitinous shell that remains dormant over winter then develops into a new colony in spring
statocyst a sense organ responsible for maintaining equilibrium and orientation
statolith a sand grain-like structure found in a statocyst
stemma(ta) a tubercule bearing an antenna (plural)
sterna(l) plural of sternum (referring to the sternum)
sternite a sclerotized or hardened subdivision of a sternum
sternum the entire ventral portion of any ring-like body segment
stipes second segment of the maxilla
stipital descriptive of, or referring to the stipes
stream a course of running water; general term that includes rivulet, brook, river
striate descriptive of integument surface that is sculptured with numerous parallel, fine, impressed lines
strider an animal that moves across the water's surface by repeatedly spreading and drawing in its long legs
stridulate to make a creaking, grating or hissing sound by rubbing two ridged or roughened surfaces against each other
stridulation a creaking, grating or hissing sound that is made by rubbing two ridged or roughened surfaces against each other
stridulatory combs ridged or roughened surfaces that can be rubbed against each other to make a creaking, grating or hissing sound
stylet a structure for cleaning antennae, at junction of tibia and tarsus on first leg of certain insects small, pointed, bristle-like appendage
styli plural of stylus
stylus a small pointed, non articulated process
sub- under, less than, not complete
subalar referring to structure positioned below the wings
subimago stage between the aquatic nymph and reproductive adult
subpedunculate not quite pedunculate

plural of substratum

substratum the solid base of a waterbody, ususally described in such terms as rocky, sandy, gravelly, silty
subterranean beneath the surface of the ground
sucker an organism that sucks, a part or organ adapted for sucking nourishment or for adhering to an object as by suction
suctorial mouthparts adapted for sucking
sulcus a furrow or groove
sulcate groove-shaped; descriptive of a surface which is deeply grooved or furrowed
sulcation having deep grooves or furrows
supra-orbital referring to a position above the eyes
suspension feeder an animal that feeds of fine particles suspended in the water column by filtering water through a spun net or net-like feeding appendage
suture a seam-like anatomical feature which serves as a boundary to separate distinct body parts
swamp an ecological habitat or area characterized by wet, spongy land usually covered with water
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tarsal descriptive of or referring to the tarsi
tarsi plural of tarsus
tarsus a jointed appendage basally attached to the tibia, bearing claws or other structures
taxa plural of taxon
taxon any definite entity of classification formally recognized by taxonomists
taxonomic level referring to a classification type (species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom)
tectiform descriptive of a structure that is sloping from a medial ridge
telson terminal part of the juvenile abdomen
tentacle a flexible organ of touch
terga plural of tergum
tergite a sclerotized subdivision of a body tergum
tergum the upper or dorsal surface of any body segment
terminal processes may be used to refer collectively to gills, filaments and projections located at the posterior end of the body
terminal proleg unjointed abdominal appendage located at the posterior end of the body
terminalia terminal abdominal segments modified to form the genital segments
terminally located at the end of a body, appendage or structure
terrestrial living on or in the land
thoracic referring to the thorax; descriptive of structures attached to the thorax
thoracomere somite of thorax; thoracic somite, the first two of which are incorporated into the head and bear the maxillipeds and chelipeds respectively
thorax second of the three divisions of the whole animal (head, thorax, abdomen)
tibia(e) fourth segment of the leg (plural)
trachea(e) an elongate respiratory tube (plural)
tracheole smaller tubes than tracheae
transverse referring to structures that are wider than long
tributary a smaller river or stream which contributes its water to a larger river at any point along the river course
trichobothria seta bearing spots
trickle a small, gentle flow of water
tridentate referring to structures with three tooth-like projections
triquetral triangular in sections; with three flat sides
trochanter small second segment of leg, between coxa and femur
trochantin a small sclerite at the base of the leg
trophic level the level of a group of organisms in the food chain, typically defined by the method of obtaining food
tubercle a small rounded protuberance
tumid referring to bodies or structures which are swollen or enlarged
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